Jon, Tristan, Bubba, Bradley and I all went to the condo this last weekend. It was a great time. We went swimming, fishing and watched movies. Here are some of the good times.
April 21, 2009
Another Bear Lake Adventure
Posted by MixedNuts 0 Comments
A day with the cousins
Kiera, Todd, Jon, all the kids and I went to Hollywood Connections a few Sundays ago. It was a great time. The kids young and old had a blast. We roller skated, road bumper cars, played miniature golf and had a pricy lunch! Here are some pictures and video from the day.
Posted by MixedNuts 0 Comments
April 16, 2009
Austin Beat Boxing
Tonight Austin was in the school talent show beat boxing, I had no idea he was so talented. The Salt Lake Tribune was there and said he will be in the paper sometime next week. Hope you all are as impressed as everyone was. He was even asked to do a encore!! To listen you will need to pause the music player at the bottom of this page!! Enjoy!!
Posted by MixedNuts 1 Comments
April 7, 2009
Kyler 5 years old-Born with HLHS
This adorable little man is my hero-He was born September 29th 2003, The day he was being sent home the nurses noticed he was very blue and from there it was months of many surgery's and prayers. He was flown from cedar City to Primary hospital, My best friends sister called me at 1am and said something is very wrong with Kyler and Malinda was driving to the hospital. I was at Primary in a flash and beat all of them there even Ky. I was so scared and wanted to know what was going on. Malinda got there and we all just hugged and talked. Hours later a doctor came to talk to us and told us of Ky's heart condition and gave us three options-1.We take him home and enjoy him until his heart gives out 2. We have the surgery done 3. We wait for a new heart
I will always remember that day and how I felt, He was not my own child but I have always been there and felt like he was mine. We opted for the surgery, When it was done and I went into the room I had to walk right back out. He was so swollen and had this cotton vest on due to having to keep the chest open due to swelling. He made it through this and as had two more surgery's. Now he is a active 5 year old and you would never know what all he has been through. I have been following some blogs of other families that have gone through the same hard times. Some of which lost the battle of a good heart and some that are still fighting. It breaks my heart to know there are so many people suffering and reminds me how lucky we are to have KyBug here with us still. He is such a amazing kid. I love him with all of me and I am proud to be his Auntie Tray!!
Posted by MixedNuts 0 Comments