July 7, 2010

Best 4th of July Weekend Ever !!!!

July 4th 2010 was the best holiday weekend we have had as a whole family.

Friday I picked up Chelsea and Kody from their moms and picked Bubba up from his dads and we headed out to my friend Heather's 30th birthday party in Tooele. Jon had to work all night so I took the kids with me. It was nice to see her. The kids and I stayed for a few hours then headed home to get ready for the next few days. Our weekend was packed. Chelsea and I went and bought festive shirts for the family. Jon and Bubba matched, Tristan and Kody then Chelsea and I. The kids were not thrilled but they all wore them to please me. Jon actually hated his shirt and went to get a new one, Chelsea and I bought matching flip flops as well. I love them.

Saturday we went to my father in laws and BBQ'd, hung with family and the kids played on the slip n slide. They had a great time. Then we headed to Kiera's to watch fireworks, that was a great time. Sunday we went boating with Becca and Ben at Willard bay. Although we are all a bit fried it was a great time. I was able to get up on the wake board once, the kids went ton the tubes and enjoyed that. Monday we went to Becca's and hung out with my mom and grandma then headed to Layton surf and swim. To end the weekend Bubba, Tristan and I went to watch the Layton fireworks in the back of the truck.

I love spending time with family and I love my little family. Jon and my kids are my world. It really was a great time and I am looking forward to many more good times.