May 15, 2009

Crash Course Challenge

I have signed up for a free 6 week work out challenge that is looking like it will kick my BUTT!!!! I am so excited to be working with my old trainer Lizz whom I know will help be look the best I can look for my wedding and myself! I will be taking supplements for the 6 weeks, weighing in once a week and working out atleast 3x a week. I am looking forward to the changes in my life. I hope that while I am doing this my family (Jon, Austin, Tristan) and anyone else will see how great is feels to be healthy and have energy to do things. I am looking forward to a active summer. I am tired of being lazy and having no energy.

Lastnight I took my neice liv and the two boys to the zoo. I am so out of shape and was ready to be done within like 30 minutes of being there, The nest time I go to the zoo I want to be running all over the place with Liv enjoying all there is to do and see. I want to be the fun aunt. I then went to the meeting about this challenge and was so excited to get started, I know some pople doubt me or think I will give up, But I am determied to change my life for me. I want to feel good about myself, I need to feel good about meself! Although I have the best guy and the best kids in the world I need ME to be able to take care of them. So with all this said I will post on here once a week how I am doing. I will show you all before and during pictures. (scary) I will let you all know of my successes and my failures. I know I have written about this all before but this time I am going to succeed!!